Motivierte Studierende für Masterthesis gesucht.

Master’s Thesis Project – Impact of different tumour entities on fibroblasts and
their susceptibility to NK Cell-mediated Cytotoxicity

Project Overview: The Künzel group invites a motivated master’s (m/f/d) student to explore
the dynamic interactions between tumor cells and surrounding fibroblasts, with a focus on the
tumor microenvironment (TME). This project will delve into how different tumor cell lines
influence fibroblast behavior, with particular emphasis on their susceptibility to natural killer
(NK) cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Both antibody-dependent and chimeric antigen receptor
(CAR)-mediated NK cell mechanisms will be studied. The work aims to identify novel strategies
and targets for modulating the TME, offering innovative pathways to enhance cellular tumor

Location: Our lab is located in the German Red Cross Blood Donation Center (DRK Blutspendedienst Nord-Ost gGmbH, Blasewitzer Straße 68/70, 01307 Dresden).

Skills the Applicant Will Learn or Refine: Cell culture techniques for maintaining and experimenting with tumor cell lines, NK cells and fibroblasts. Flow cytometry (FACS) for assessing cellular phenotypes and immune cell cytotoxicity. Molecular biology techniques such as qPCR and Western blotting Immunological assays (e.g., ELISA, cytotoxicity assays) to evaluate NK cell activity. Microscopy techniques, Data Analysis and Interpretation, Knowledge of CAR-NK cell technology and its applications in cellular therapies.

Contact Information: We are looking forward to meeting you! For further information or to apply for this exciting opportunity, please contact:

PD Dr. med. Dr. Stephan Künzel


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