The Fachschaft (FS) is anchored in the SächsHSFG. Student councils are subdivisions of the student body, i.e. all students at TU Dresden, which are determined by the student council according to certain criteria. All students studying one of the following degree programmes belong to the Biology student council: Bachelor or Master Biology, Bachelor Molecular Biotechnology, Master Molecular Bioengineering or have started a doctoral programme with first supervision from Biology.
Composition: >50% university lecturers; staff; 2-6 students depending on the size of the faculty.
Tasks: The Faculty Council is the highest decision-making body of a faculty in the areas of teaching, research and art.
FSR representation: Anna Einert, Shashank Shekhar
Composition: 50% university lecturers and academic staff; 50% students.
Tasks: The Study Commission prepares draft resolutions that are passed by the Faculty Council.
FSR representation BA: Charlotte Lorenz, Elsa Juliette Müller, Rocío Alario Pinuaga
FSR representation MA: Tim Leitert, Anna Einert, Franz Ellenberger
Tasks: Programme coordinators take on advisory and coordinating tasks at the interface between students or prospective students, lecturers and central university institutions such as the Examinations Office or the administration.
FSR representation BA: Prof Jutta Ludwig-Müller, Charlotte Lorenz
FSR representation MA: Prof Thorsten Mascher, Anna Einert
Composition: >50% professors; staff; at least one student.
Tasks: The tasks of the examination board include monitoring compliance with the examination regulations. Furthermore, the examination board decides on admission to the second repeat examination.
FSR representation BA/MA: Josephine Borbás, Emily Franke
FSR representation for teaching degree programmes: Jennifer Lippmann, Anna Zachau
Composition: 35 TUD students, delegated by the student councils.
Tasks: The Student Council is the supreme body of student self-administration. It fulfils its tasks in accordance with SächsHSFG § 24. This includes, among other things, participation in university committees.
Other: In accordance with its statutes, the StuRa elects up to six managing directors from its own ranks to represent the StuRa and manage the day-to-day business of the student body.
In addition, speakers are elected from the student body to work on independent areas (example: semester ticket, …). There are also departments that act as executive bodies to implement the decisions of the StuRa (examples: social affairs, public relations, …).
The Student Council delegates members to the following committees:
KSS (Conference of Saxon Student Councils) and o.s.t. (East German Student Meeting)
Composition: Representatives of the student councils.
Task: supra-regional contact of the student councils
Senate commissions
Composition: Senate members (analogue to the majority ratios in the Senate; max. 1/3 others).
Tasks: Preparation of working proposals for the Senate
Administration of the Student Union
Zusammensetzung: Vertreter:innen der Hochschulen; ein:e Vertreter:in der Stadt und ein:e Vertreter:in aus der Wirtschaft; 50% Studierende.
Aufgaben: Beschluss über Satzung des Studierendenwerks; Feststellung und Änderung des Wirtschaftsplans; Entlastung des:der Geschäftsführer:in des Studierendenwerks.
FSR-Vertretung: Maciej Lilejko
FSR-Stellvertretung: Walter Baum
Composition: 35 students of the TUD, seconded by the student councils
Tasks: The Student Council is the supreme organ of student self-government. It performs its duties according to SächsHSFG § 24. These include, inter alia, the participation in committees of the university.
Miscellaneous: In accordance with its statutes, the StCo selects from its own ranks up to six managing directors who represent the StCo and manage the current affairs of the student body.
In addition, speakers from the student body are selected for the processing of independent areas (example: semester ticket, …). In addition, there are units which, as executive bodies, pass resolutions of the StuRa (examples: social affairs, public relations, …)
The Student Council sends members to the following committees:
CSSC (Conference of Saxon Student Councils) and E.G.S.M. (East German student meeting)
Composition: Representatives of the student councils
Task: superregional contact of the student representatives
Senate commissions
Composition: Senate members (analogous to the majority in the Senate, max 1/3 others)
Tasks: Development of working documents for the Senate,
Administration of the study council
Composition: representatives of the universities; a representative of the city and a representative from the business community; 50% students
Tasks: decision on the statute of the Studentenwerk; Establishment and modification of the business plan; Relief of the managing director of the Studentenwerk
The TU Environmental Initiative is a group of TU Dresden students from all disciplines and semesters who are committed to the environment. A major focus of their work is in the area of environmental education. The aim is therefore to sensitise students to ecological issues during the course of their studies and to impart environmentally relevant knowledge. As part of the Studium generale, they regularly offer environmental ring lectures and organise information events or block seminars.
There are further different commissions (e.g. library, data processing, …) whose tasks depend on the respective area.