FSR-trip to Höfgen (25th – 27th October)

Hello fellow students,
we are organizing another FSR trip from 25 to 27 October 2019. Like last year we go to Höfgen (Grimma), there we rented the scout home for us.

Invited are anyone who would like to get to know the FSR or think about joining us.


Friday afternoon we take the train to Grimma. From there we walk a bit to our accommodation. In the evening, an introductory plenum is planned in which the next days are prepared.
On Saturday there will be two rounds with different working groups.
A third round of working groups is planned for Sunday. After lunch, the results will be presented in a final plenary session. The departure begins before 4 pm, so that everyone is back in Dresden in time.

In addition to the work in the various working groups, there is enough time for other joint activities (such as Flunkyball or similar. Be creative :).

Each participant will be charged 15 €, this is how the FSR finances the accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner and enough drinks for the whole event.

We distribute a total of 20 waiting places to those interested. If there is more, the decision-making power lies with the FSR.

If you have further questions, feel free to contact us or you can just drop in for the next session.

Your FSR biology